wrangler Selection & Sourcing

Selection & Sourcing

Jun 24, 2020 12:26pm

In this video, Dan discusses...

Selection & Sourcing.

Passive income from commercial property is great.

However, your monthly cashflow comes from your tenants, which means picking the correct tenant is critical.

In order to find the right tenant you must look at demographics, technology, affluent areas and so on.

When finding the right tenant you must focus on 3 key things..

1. Community and Convenience

2. Essential Daily Spend

3. Business Services

This video is all about becoming a 'deal  magnet' and attracting the tenants and the deals you want.

If you want to find out more, join me on the free live call on Wednesday @ 1pm.


1.Go to: https://www.taylorcapital.co.uk

2. Register or Sign Up

3.Log-In Wednesday @ 1pm and click the studio button.

See you there.

Best, Dan.